Tuesday, February 16, 2010

So much for the new year being better...

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've had several computer issues and health issues to boot. At the end of 2009 I started to have my teeth worked on, which literally left me in pain from head to toe. I was hoping and praying that the new year would be better. Of course, that didn't happen either.

I went back to my dentist about 4 weeks after I had those two teeth removed. My front teeth really hurt and so did my gums. I had, a little hard cone-like piece of bone coming out sideways from my gums toward my cheek, on each side of my mouth where my teeth had been removed. The dentist and his assistant and the nurse thought they were bone spurs and sent me back to the oral surgeon to have them removed. Then my dentist proceeded to tell me that my teeth were decaying at the rate of an 80 year old! He said that after I get those bones spurs removed, I need to make 3 appointments to fix my teeth.

When I went back to the oral surgeon, he said to me, "That is bullshit! You do not have bone spurs! That is just your new jawline. I refuse to fix the one on the right side, but I will file down the one on the left." I couldn't believe he said "bullshit" to me! I do not like this guy at all! We have a few oral surgeons in town, but the other ones have a 3 month waiting list, just for an evaluation! I was in way too much pain to wait 3 months, so I was stuck with this jerk! He did fix that bump, whatever it was, so that helped....a little.

The next week I went back to the dentist and he fixed 7 of my lower teeth. They had decayed and were all black along the gumline. Now they look normal! Whew! They are little sensitive, but they do not hurt constantly like before. The following week, I went back for my 2nd appointment at the dentist. This one wasn't a very good appointment...

The dentist came in and drilled the holes for the fillings, and then his assistant is supposed to fill them. Well, they couldn't find the assistant. I waited 15 minutes and then the other assistant started to put in a filling. Another assistant came in and took over. Then another assistant came in to do the next tooth, because the first assistant had to help another dentist. The whole time I was in the chair, these assistants were talking about favorite patients, and about getting their eyelashes done. It was very uncomfortable for me, especially when they saw a patient outside of my room and said, "Oh, noone had better get so and so, they are my favorite." So they hurried along to go and be the assistant to so and so.

I went home, and they had told me that several of the fillings were deep and I would probably have a lot of sensitivity in those teeth to hot and cold. The anesthetic wore off and my right back molar really hurt. I didn't want to be a baby, so I waited, thinking that it was just sensitivity. Two days later it really hurt so I went back in to the dentist. They forgot to fill my tooth! They proceeded to fill the tooth, without numbing it! Oh, my GOODNESS did that ever hurt! By the end of the day I was in tears from the pain. They did prescribe me a few vicodin to help with the pain, thank GOD! I postponed my 3rd appointment until March. I am not in any hurry to go back. The next visit they will do 7 more teeth! I think they will have fixed every tooth in my mouth by the time I'm through with this 3rd appointment!
Meanwhiles, my teeth still hurt! Head to toe pain, literally, not the way I want to spend my time - in pain!

1 comment:

  1. That dentist needs to fire some assistants!!! I can't believe they actually left a tooth unfilled and then made you get it filled without numbing it. They should have been bending over backward to do anything for you after forgetting to fill it. What idiots. Decent health care has become so hard to get. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, Shellie. I hope and pray that they can do things right on your next visit. I don't blame you for putting that visit off after this experience.
