Hi! Thanks for stopping by today! You are a very important person who deserves the best medical care as possible. When you go to see a doctor, you are in charge, you have hired that doctor to consult you about your medical condition(s). Be an active participant with your medical team. A great way to make sure you are kept in the loop, is to create a medical binder. I suggest a 2-3" binder (you may not fill this up today, but as time goes on, you will need the extra room found in a larger binder).
To make a medical binder you will need:
A 2-3" binder (any color)
A clear trading card holder sheet (or 2)
A permanant marker
Divider sheets
A calendar
A hole punch
A paperclip
Lined Paper
A pen
Once you have all of the materials for your binder, then you can put it together! The first page of your binder should be the trading card sheet. Place a business card for every doctor you go to, in the pockets of this sheet. You may want to use another sheet to put appointment cards in, but that is up to you. The next thing in your binder will be the calendar. Punch holes in the calendar so that it will fit into your binder. Put your calendar behind the trading card sheet(s); use the paperclip to clip on the current month. This will make it easier to find your appointment schedule, or to update it as needed. Write down all of your upcoming appointments on this calendar. Put your dividers behind the calendar and add several sheets of paper behind each divider sheet. You will need to write the following labels on each divider sheet (one label per divider)...
Medicine and Drug Allergies
Medical Test Results
Now the fun begins! Sit down when you have some time and start filling out the information behind each divider. Depending on you medical history this could take from a few minutes to several hours or even days! Be as thorough as possible. You can always go back and revise your information as you need to.
Depending on your medical condition(s) you may want to go and get current test results. Current, means within the past month or so. You can always go and request a copy of the medical report from doctors, or test results from x-rays, MRI's, blood work, ultrasounds, or any other medical procedure. You will need your driver's license or current ID to obtain your medical records and they usually do not charge you if you explain that you need the results to take them to the doctor for your next appointment. Call ahead and ask for medical records. Sometimes you can get the results immediately, and other times you may need to wait a couple of days. A quick phone call can save you time and gas!
Take your binder with you to every doctor appointment! They will appreciate all of the information you have at your fingertips! Be sure to update your binder after appointments and tests.
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read this post. Please leave me a comment, so that I know you were here! If you have any questions, post those too! I love to hear from my readers!
Have a great day and come back soon!
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