I don't know why, but I haven't been able to sleep since my surgery, even though I have taken Benadryl, Nyquil and I even had a little liquor in my eggnog with Thanksgiving dinner. Don't worry, I didn't take all of these together, I waited at least 5 hours between my attempts. It's probably because my knee hurts so much. When I was in Seattle, awaiting surgery, I couldn't sleep the night before and started working on the dvd for the memorial to my brother. I've been working on it for a year and a half, and I keep having problems with the pictures, or the computer or the program. I was up again last night working on it and I thought I had it finally finished, and sent it to Facebook and my blogs. Then I tried to burn it to a disc, and I've run into problem after problem...again. I was planning on giving the dvd to my family members at Thanksgiving dinner, but I couldn't get the thing to burn on my computer! As a result we were late for dinner and that made everyone mad! They assumed we weren't coming. Imagine my dismay, when we arrived late, and then when I discussed my trouble with the dvd I found out that they had already seen it on facebook and then they reprimanded me about being late, and then they proceeded to tell me what was wrong with the one on Facebook. It made me feel awful. I sat down, to put my foot up and then was told that I should come to the table and put my foot up on a stool or something. Well, there wasn't anything high enough, so I ended up putting my foot up on my knee scooter. Earlier in the day I was having trouble with my pain pump. It was leaking and it was working a little too well, I was numb up to my butt. The anesthesiologist told me to stop the pump, but not take it out. We were hoping that it would help me get some feeling back in my leg. So, I was getting the feeling back in my leg and now my heel is starting to hurt. In order to sit at the table for dinner I had to twist onto my right hip (which still hurts from the bursitis) in order to not twist my already painful knee, and not put any pressure on the heel that was just operated on. It was quite uncomfortable and a few things were said that upset me even more. Not to mention that my ds cleared everyone's plates from the table, EXCEPT MINE. I shouldn't be surprised, she is usually upset since I can't help with the cleaning up and she does it all herself. It's not that I won't help out, it's just that under the circumstances it is a little difficult. Anyway I left, with the understanding that my dad was upset since I had posted on Facebook that I would be bringing the finished cd to dinner and I hadn't brought it. I tried to tell him that I would finish it when I got home and off my hip, but he reminded me that on Facebook I said it was done, and it really wasn't, so basically he called me a liar and he HATES liars. So, since I've gotten home, I've been working and working on this again. It's been 4 more hours and I am still having trouble burning it. It's over 25 minutes, and I have to keep recording it and trying to burn it over and over again. I'm beginning to think that maybe I shouldn't have taken on this task. Maybe my brother doesn't want me to finish it, I don't know. I just know that I'm very upset over the whole thing. Then, on top of it all, the stupid pain catheter broke off at the base of the pump! It was unfixable and so I had to pull the darn thing out completely. Now my heel is starting to hurt and my knee is killing me. The pain medicine I have isn't helping the knee at all, and I'm afraid I will be up all night, in pain, and that does not thrill me either! Boy this really sucks! Well, that's my story...oh, I forgot to mention that my family doesn't seem to hear anything I say, and so I have been having to do stuff myself since they are having selective hearing today. I was gone 2 days and we have no towels with which to dry off with, and someone peed all over the bath mats! GROSS! DH is very helpful, but he doesn't do laundry. The kids really need to help out more, but dh has been going in to work early in the mornings to do inventory, so I don't have his support while he is gone, and the kids are downstairs or asleep and unwilling to help. I probably cause my own problems, trying to keep the house in order when I'm not supposed to be doing anything but resting. Snap, life can be so difficult sometimes! I hope you had a better day than I did. Time to go and finish this video up. I'm determined to finish it today! Shellie out!
I love the note on your foot. lol
ReplyDeleteYou didn't tell me your Thanksgiving was so bad, gal. I'm really sorry. Sounds like a very painful day both physically and emotionally.
I hope you were finally able to burn the cds. You sure did a wonderful job on it. It's a beautiful tribute to your brother.