Thanks for stopping by today to continue following my drama about Anemia. In High School, my best friend Kim, used to say that my life was like a soap opera because there was so much Drama, Drama, Drama! I can honestly say that it is still a Drama!
Today's drama begins with a 4:30 am wake-up-call from my dd who had a horrible stomache-ache. I gave her some Tylenol and had her take a warm bath to help soothe her achey tummy. It worked and off to bed she went!
I couldn't fall back asleep, so I started reading my emails and checking Facebook. I worked online until 6 and then got up and took a shower. DH also got up and showered, then we hollered Happy Anniversary to one another and out the door he went, to work. We are celebrating our 20th anniversary today! I couldn't do a thing without the help of the Lord and my dear Husband! He is so supportive of me especially since my quality of life has diminished so much over the past 6 years.
Yesterday I saw my Hemotologist and he said that my blood counts were still extremely low and my iron was also low. I told him that they had done a Gyack (pronounced GWY-AK)and they had found blood in my stools. He decided to order me 2 yes, TWO IRON INFUSIONS!! Finally, there is a glimmer of light at the end of my dreary tunnel! Today I was supposed to go back to the Northstar Lodge and get a 4 hour iron infusion! What a great anniversary gift! The gift of energy and less fatique! I am so excited! Unfortunately, I know my body and a usual 4 hour infustion will probably be a 6 hour infusion. I will know more, as the day progresses...
Last night, around 10 ish, my oldest son popped his head in our room and told us that he had put $20 in each of the two cars, so that we could put gas in them today. I got all showered, shampooed and shined up and went out to the van and couldn't find ANY MONEY ANYWHERE. I decided to take a risk, thinking that since the van is parked on a hill, it is possible that the gas has run out of the tank and it really wasn't as empty as it seemed. I was wrong! The van started lurching and chugging about 5 blocks away from our house. I am THANKING GOD that I made it into the gas station where I parked the van and searched again for the $20. I still couldn't find it. I tried to call my boys to ask them where the money was. They had their phones shut off. I tried to call DH and his phone was off. I called my mom and she came to the gas station to rescue me! Thanks mom!
I told the gas station owner that my car would be there until my dear son woke up and came to put gas in the van so we can drive it home. He laughed because we were at a gas station! I wish I had found it as amusing as he did. I still haven't been able to reach my son. He will get an earfull when I do get a hold of him!
So, I was about 30 minutes late for my infusion to begin with. I did call them and let them know I was late. So they got my IV in, in two tries! Hooray! Usually it takes 5 or 6 OR MORE! I got my pre-meds to help alleviate any allergic reactions and my iron started at 10:00 am. Now it is 11:57 am and they had to stop the iron and regive me all the premeds to help combat an allergic reaction that I was having from the iron. Now it's 12:00p.m. and they are restarting my iron infusion. I have already been here 3 1/2 hours for a 4 hour infusion and I still have at least 3 more hours barring anymore allergic reactions!
May I digress a moment, thank you..............
Yesterday, as I said, I saw my Hemotologist who ordered some premeds for me to take last night and then night before my next infusion. When I went to the pharmacy to pick it up, the pharmacist asked me about my health and I told her about the Gyak test and the anemia. She said that I needed to get in for a colonoscopy immediately! So I called my primary care doctor (pcd) and asked them if they had scheduled me for a colonscopy in Yakima. They said that they couldn't get me in at the local clinic until close to November! I said, isn't it serious to be bleeding in your stools?
"Yes but they are booked and there is nothing we can do," said the nurse. So I called back Virginia Mason (VM) and retold my story about the Gyak test and iron infusion and begged them to get me in for a colonoscopy sooner than my September 30 appointment. My gastroenterologist is out of town for 2 weeks! Go figure! His nurse promised she would call my gastroenterologist or email him and see if I could be seen by another guy in his office sooner than the end of September. I am still waiting to hear about that! I am just apalled that you can have a serious problem and that the doctors still wait and wait to see you. I just don't understand. Who makes up these guidelines? Please keep me in your prayers! I need all the help I can get while these doctors hem and haw and put me off. I do not want to end up with a severe complication as a direct result of a bleed somewhere in my digestive tract!
So that ends part of today's little drama (so far). Please leave me a comment so that I know you stopped by! I love to hear from you guys! Have a wonderful day and I hope to c-ya again real soon!
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