Sunday, August 14, 2011

So tired of being sick and tired! More than just ANEMIA!

I want to talk about anemia today, mostly because I am anemic. You become anemic when your blood count gets very low. You can be anemic from lack of iron, or if your kidneys are not producing enough eurethropointen. I am not sure what is causing my anemia. All I do know is that my blood cell count is getting lower by about 2 points every week. I went to see my Rhuemetologist about my Psoriatic arthritis and he looked at my most recent blood tests. He said that I had lost two pints of blood in two weeks! Where is it going? I have had a hysterectomy so I am not losing blood from my uterus. I am still wondering if I could have Chron's disease. I was supposed to have a colonoscopy and an endoscopy three weeks ago, but it was cancelled because I had that infection and needed to be at the hospital twice a day to receive antibiotics. My Gastroenterologist could not reschedule the procedure until the end of September! I called my general doctor and asked if he could get me in for the procedure do be done in Yakima, sooner. He ordered a test to see if I had any blood in my stools. That test is complete and I am supposed to call my doctor on Monday (tomorrow) to see what my results are. I suppose if the test does reveal blood in my stools, then he will definately schedule the procedure in Yakima, in the next few weeks. If it does not reveal any blood, I hope he still schedules the procedure because I could be losing blood in my tummy and the only way to find out is with the endoscopy. I just want to know why my blood count is so low, so that someone can fix it. Currently, my blood count isn't low enough to render a shot to boost my red blood cell count, or a blood transfusion. At my last blood test, I was .1 away from needing a blood transfusion. I see my Hemotologist again this Tuesday, and hopefully my levels have dropped that .1 and I will qualify for some help to boost up my blood cell count. My levels are so low, I am exhausted and I need to take a nap in the middle of the day to function "normally." I am so tired of feeling sick and tired! Thanks for letting me rant, yet again! Come back later and see what happens with my test results and doctors this week! Please leave me a comment and let me know you were here, it is so nice to know others have taken an interest in crazy medical issues! We need to stick together because others can not see our pain, let alone understand how it affects our lives. We may not look "sick" but we sure feel sick, and together we can help others understand what we are going through!

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