Hey, thanks for stopping by today to see what the latest drama is...
Today's story is one of desperation. I am desperately seeking answers to the questions: Why am I so anemic? Why am I losing blood in my stools? Why am I the only one worried about this?
Last week, my blood tests revealed a continuous drop in my Red Blood Cell Count, and my Hemotologist set me up with the first of two iron infusions, to try and kick start my system into producing more red blood cells.
My general doctor had me take a Guyack (Goo-Y-Ak) test which revealed hidden blood in my stools. My pharmacist told me that I needed to have a colonoscopy right away because that was a serious problem. My general doc is unable to get me in to the Yakima Gastroenterology Clinic until mid October OR LATER!! Obviously he does not think that it is that serious. I called back Virginia Mason and told them about the test results and my Gastroenterologist said that there was no immediate problem to be fixed and it was ok to wait until the END OF SEPTEMBER to get the colonoscopy. Obviously he does not think that it is serious either. Meanwhile, I am extremely fatigued, losing weight, bruising easily and worried about my dwindling red blood cells. I have also started to get a lot of pain in the middle of my abdomen, between my two ribs. The pain is getting increasingly worse as each day goes by. I have had similiar pain before, and it was my liver. I was hospitalized for almost 10 days the last time I had this excruciating pain. I may go to my doctor this week to get it checked out, it is bothering me so much. The thing is, I'm afraid to go and have them do nothing, but take more money out of my pocket. I'm the only one concerned with these issues and am beginning to feel like my doctors think I'm crazy. That is not a good feeling!
I don't know if my doctors really don't think there is a problem, even though my tests are presenting indicators of problems; OR if they are trying not to worry me, so they are downplaying the issues. Oh, no, now I'm sounding paranoid too! I guess I will just wait and see what happens. Tomorrow I go back to the Pain Clinic, and maybe they can check out the pain in my abdomen and schedule a steroid shot in the bursitis in my right hip and/or in my neck which is also causing a significant amount of pain when I sit or stand for more than 20 minutes in one position. Come back soon to see where this continuing drama leads me...
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